Auto-Sell when Bonded
Last updated
Last updated
Enabling this will mean that the token will automatically be sold once bonding (migration from Pump-Fun to Raydium) has completed.
The token must be on Pump-Fun currently when you activate Auto-Sell.
This will open up the Selling Page.
This will sell the percentage of amount of tokens you wish after bonding.
Important to set this relatively high otherwise your transaction may not go through.
Important to set this at a good amount otherwise your transaction may not go through.
Important to set this at a good amount otherwise your transaction may not go through.
Switches to Sell mode.
Opens Auto Sell page
Allows you to select the wallet you wish to sell the token with.
Opens wallet page to select your desired wallet.
Changes the percentage amount of tokens you wish to sell at bonding.
Please enter the sell amount percentage.
Changes the amount of Slippage you wish to use.
Enter the new Slippage amount.
Changes the amount for your selling fee on the transaction.
Enter the new Sell Fee.
Changes the amount for the selling tip you wish to use to speed up this transaction.
Enter the new Sell Tip
Stopped 🔴
Indicates that this task is currently not active, needs to be pressed to turn task on.
Running 🟢
Indicates the task is now running.
Toggle Stopped in order to start your task.
Switch to Sell
Auto Sell When Bonded
Wallet : Name
Sell Amount : %
Sell Slippage
Sell Fee
Sell Tip